smitten kitchen keepers – smitten kitchen


In early March 2020, I signed a contract to write my third cookbook because it felt like just the right moment: calm, unfrenzied, kids happy settled in school and activities… stop laughing. My timing is impeccable. But, there’s nothing like a tremendous amount of time at home with an almost boundless need for homecooked meals to get me asking the big, important questions about my own repertoire: Where is my forever pound cake? What would the perfect quiche look like? Why does roasting chicken this way change everything? I realized how much I wanted this book to be a collection of recipes specifically written with making them forever in mind. Three years, I finally get to show you what I’ve been up to.

Smitten Kitchen Keepers: New Classics For Your Forever Files will be released on November 22nd and I cannot wait to share it with you. I hope it leaves you brimming with inspiration and with a stack of new essential recipes you’ll want to make again and again. As of today, you can preorder Smitten Kitchen Keepers almost everywhere books are sold:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Indiebound | Apple Books | More Stores | Amazon (Canadian Edition) | Indigo (CA)

What’s a keeper? I’m so glad you asked. Some are classics done my way — my forever clam chowder and the best chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever made or eaten. Others are recipes that have gone immediately into our permanent rotations the moment we made them, like weeknight wings, a perfect summer taco, and the very green spaghetti that my pickiest likes so much, she climbed into the photo to eat it off the counter. Other dishes are quickly heading there, like an absolute doorstop of a quiche, turkey meatloaf that defied all of my skepticism, and the dreamy chocolate cake I optimized for subway commutes to picnic blanket birthday parties.

Because I wrote this over unprecedented times/a global pandemic/a vibe shift/a period of time when we couldn’t always do the things that made us happiest (see friends, families, have parties, travel), when I’ve reread this book over the last months, there is, to me, a more crystalized vision of what the good life looks like, what you cook when you miss it, and what you cook to get back there. Each recipe has a purpose and a place. I hope you feel it, too.

What’s on the cover? It’s a Carrot Tarte Tatin, which sounds phenomenally fussy, but is actually impossible to mess up. It’s carrots, cooked simply in all of the things that make them delicious, good enough to eat right from the pan. But when we add puffed pastry, it turns them into something even more magnificent, and I think we deserve magnificence, whether it’s for a light Thursday dinner or as a contribution to a holiday table.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | Indiebound | Apple Books | More Stores | Amazon (Canadian Edition) | Indigo (CA)

Giving this as a gift? We’ve created a downloadable, printable certificate for anyone you’ve preordered the book as a gift for, to let them know. You can pick the look: This one has flowers. This one has fruits and vegetables.

I’ve got so much fun stuff coming to share in the new few months: A book tour announcement! Pre-order incentives (hold on to your order number and stay tuned)! Recipe previews! But for this week…

Questions? It’s been so long since I did a Q&A, I’d love to do one tomorrow on Instagram. I’ll collect your questions in the morning and answer as many as I can between 3 to 4pm ET. I can’t wait to catch up.

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