look what else we baked!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

look what else we baked!

It has always amused me that despite being a species with only two options, we get so excited to learn that the next member of it will be one or another. But there I was blubbering like I had never heard news so unusual and wonderful when they told me it was a girl, because like my favorite childhood movie that we dusted off a couple rainy weekends ago, we’ve never had a little girl. We hope she’s going to like it here.

cinnamon swirl, a little buried in curls

And what a volunteer! Anna Helen, born July 10th at 11:46 a.m. (7 pounds, 8 ounces, 19 3/4 inches, if you’re into those kinds of things) has ears as tiny as my thumbprint, hands so small and fragile I’m not even sure they even qualify as hands outside the doll kingdom, disproportionately large cheeks I recognized immediately from the sonogram screen, a steady kick I recognize from 2 to 6 a.m., all the nights of the last 40 weeks, a little tuft of peach fuzz on her shoulders and cheeks, and a cinnamon swirl on the back of her head. Because, of course.

we're very glad she's volunteered

We are all completely besotted with her. I have so much more to tell you when I come up for air, hopefully quite soon.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/smittenkitchen/~3/BoFNUrzpW5M/

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